Jami Furr, PhD

Dr. Jami Furr is a Clinical Associate Professor and Senior Psychologist in the Mental Health Interventions and Novel Therapeutics (MINT) Program, and Developer of the Selective Mutism Program at Florida International University Center for Children and Families (CCF). Dr. Furr obtained her doctorate in clinical psychology from Temple University, and completed her clinical internship and postdoctoral fellowship at the NYU Child Study Center and Bellevue Hospital Program in New York. Dr. Furr currently serves as a Trainer for the Network for Expanding Child Wellness in Disaster-Affected Youth (or NEW DAY) - a SAMHSA-funded and National Child Traumatic Stress Network affiliated program providing largescale training and consultation in disaster mental health to youth-serving professionals in disaster-hit regions and disaster-prone regions across the United States. Dr. Furr has extensive clinical expertise and research interests in cognitive and behavioral treatments of childhood anxiety and disruptive behavior disorders, with a particular focus on preschool mental health. She has served as the Clinical Director of several federally funded randomized trials evaluating the acceptability and utility of telehealth strategies for expanding the scope and reach of mental health care; and currently provides training and supervision for clinical services for anxiety, OCD, and/or disruptive behavior problems for children and adolescents. Dr. Furr also has led the field of selective mutism in youth regarding clinical and research programs. She is the Past-President of the Selective Mutism Association and has continued to serve on their Board of Directors for the last 7 years. Dr. Furr is currently conducting one of the first long-term outcome studies on children with selective mutism. She has numerous publications and conducts trainings locally and nationally in the areas of trauma, anxiety, and selective mutism in youth. In 2019, Dr. Furr was the recipient of the Anne Marie Albano Early Career Award for the Integration of Science and Practice from the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) and the Florida International University College of Arts, Sciences, and Education Award for Research.

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